Wednesday, January 22nd

7:00-9:00 PM Welcome Night Happy Hour
Where: Solaria Ballroom, One Ocean Resort

Hosted by Michael McDougall and Darwin Investing Network

Thursday, January 23rd

Where: Atlantic Ballroom

8:00AM-9:00 PM Registration & Networking Breakfast

9:15-10 The State of FinPub, John Newtson

10-10:45 How we scaled our acquisition media, Morgan Busby, CEO Financial Media Corp

10:45-11: Break

11-11:45 15 Trends that will impact FinPub in 2025, Matt Paulson,

12-1:30 PM Lunch

1:30-2:15 PM Case Study for Building an 8-figure Fintech Saas , Guy Miotke,

2:15-3:00 PM  Accelerating Copy: How to Write a $1 Million Promotion in Just 1 Month, Aaron Dehoog

3:00-3:40 PM  Why the Content You’re Marketing (Probably) Sucks — And How to Fix It, Kim Iskyan, Porter & Co

3:40- 4:10 PM The Death of the Sales Letter, Patrick Stiles, Vidalytics

4:10-5:10 PM Speed Networking, Hosted by Joel Skretvedt, Eric Johnson, and Sales Agency.

5:30-7:30 PM Networking Social, hosted by Patrick Styles & Vidalytics
WHERE: Pristina Room

Friday, January 24th

Where: Atlantica Ballroom

8:00-9:00 AM Networking Breakfast

9:30- 10:15 AM  Newsletter Publishers panel, Brian York, CMO The Agora, Kim Iskyan, Porter & Co, Nate Tucci, FinMc, Andrew Taylor, Magnifi

10:15-11:00 PM Hot Seat Session with Bret Holmes

11:00-11:45 PM Media & Acquisition Panel, Franklin Canterbury, Brownstone Research, Charles Flagle, TrafficGrid, Eric Johnson

11:45-12:30 Copywriting & Promo Panel, Pete Monson, Rob Braddock, Chris Cimmorelli

12:30 PM Close to General networking