How to double trading newsletter revenue

How do you double a trading newsletter business? In this hotseat session Bret Holmes, who has helped build newsletter publishers up to $225 million in annual revenue, digs deep into the business of a trading newsletter founder who has built up his subscription business to a point it ranges between $55,ooo to $85,000 per month. […]

No boring ideas: Why great Promotions are more than just great sales copy

Sign up for the FinPub Pro podcast and get event notifications and updates No spam. I’ll only send you FMS-related content, conversations, and notifications. Privacy policy. I’m joined by Brian Hicks, founder of Angel Publishing, Rob Braddock, the king of “Fintertainment” whose written a ton of big winners in FinPub, and Sean MacIntyre, a senior […]

Matt Mcgarry: Inside the “Other” Newsletter Business Boom

Sign up for the FinPub Pro podcast and get event notifications and updates No spam. I’ll only send you FMS-related content, conversations, and notifications. Privacy policy. Chapters 0:02The Newsletter Boom and Growth 13:05Media Industry Acquisitions and Newsletter Growth 16:43The Future of Niche Newsletters 23:46Diversification of Revenue Streams in Media 28:50Building Social Audience for Newsletters 36:02Newsletters and Revenue Models in Media 48:55Business […]

John Carter on building a Trader Education Company

Sign up for the FinPub Pro podcast and get event notifications and updates No spam. I’ll only send you FMS-related content, conversations, and notifications. Privacy policy. Timestamps 0:02The Evolution of Simpler Training 6:25Trading Subscription Model and Education 18:21Marketing vs. Trading Culture 24:29Navigating the Trading Industry Trends 33:52Navigating Market Changes and Trader Education 43:27Navigating Growth and Acquisitions in Business 51:48Ranch Life and […]

Trading Services vs Coaching Products

Join the FMS PRO Community Get exclusive content, discord server, past FMS Conference Presentations, the FinPub Training Hub, and more Check out FMS PRO… Timestamps 0:02Transitioning to High-Ticket Telesales Model 9:05Direct Response Marketing Funnel Model 15:58High-Ticket Offer Business Strategy 29:50Business Model Discussion 40:11Challenges in Financial Copywriting Industry 53:15Back-End Direct Marketing Strategies Episode Transcript John Newtson: 0:02 All right, hey everybody, today […]

Why niche ideas drive Finpub, with Brian York CMO of The Agora Companies

Listen to the audio version of this FinPub Pro episode Timestamps 0:02Focusing on Fringe Investment Ideas 8:45Building Relationships in Marketing and Editorial 20:56 Agora’s Business Growth and Innovation 34:36Marketing Strategies and Ideation Dynamics 46:34Maximizing Customer Relationships for Future Success Episode Transcript John Newtson: 0:02 All right. Hey everyone, I’m excited today because I got Brian York here, who I think a […]

How to protect your business from class action lawsuits

How to protect your business from class action lawsuits Listen to the audio version of this FinPub Pro episode Download the Gordon Reese E-Commerce Retailer Legal Guide For more info on Damon Wright visit the Gordon Rees website  Connect with him here on Linkedin. Timestamps 0:02 Navigating Class Action Lawsuits in E-Commerce 14:40 Subscription Billing […]

“The lessons we learned from winning against the FTC.”

The FTC vs. Raging Bull shook the financial publishing industry when it happened. Raging Bull won that case with the judge stating very clearly that he saw no evidence of fraud in this case. But as Jeff Bishop puts it, “This doesn’t feel like winning.” It was a painful, heartbreaking, and extraordinarily stressful process that […]

Booms, Busts, and building a stable newsletter publishing company

“Growing at 50% per year scares me more than dropping 35% in revenue for one year.” Jason Freiert has experienced both, as CEO of Angel Publishing. Since 2005 Angel Pub’s has grown very consistently 15%-17% annually. Then the Covid-FinPub Boom hit and Angel Pub grew 50% year-over-year in 2020. That lead to a hiring boom, […]

An ode to classical newsletter publishing

A conversation with Dan Steinhart, publisher at Dan is a practitioner of what I think of as classical newsletter publishing. Publishing where the foundation of the business is the relationships between the editor & the customer. Where you create products BECAUSE the guru can deliver an edge – and has a track record proving […]