The FTC crackdown is good for the industry.

After our conversation Aaron remembered why he had the one slide he spaced on in our recording and sent me this follow on point. It’s important so check it out: The FTC crackdown is good for the industry. Full Stop. That’s Aaron Dehoog’s view and when Aaron talks publishing I listen. He’s one of […]

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Being an entrepreneur or marketer in finpub feels like living in a Dickenson novel. The two sides of the coin below will be the focus of the next Financial Marketing Summit June 14-15th in Orlando, register now if you haven’t already. “It was the […]

Tifin is on a $100 million financial media acquisition spree

[THE TRANSCRIPT IS AT THE BOTTOM.] Cathy Wood is one of the super stars of today’s financial markets. The tag line of her ARK fund is simple: “We invest solely in disruptive innovation.” And she’s a capital partner and on the board of company, Tifin, who has already bought several financial publishers this year. And […]

Bret Holmes talks email marketing and how to scale a financial subscription publishing business to over $100+ million. What does Bret know about scaling up? Let’s see. He was employee #3 at MMP and was part of the team that took it to over 225m at its peak. Over the last few years, we watched […]

The Rise of the Retail Investor & the New Forces Impacting Financial Publishing

Our financial publishing & direct response financial marketing & media industries are at the heart of multiple transformations & disruptions happening throughout financial services. In my keynote presentation at the Financial Marketing Summit 2021, I start to lay out just some of the bigger trends and opportunities we’re seeing as the finpub industry intersects with […]

The Rise of the Retail Investor & it’s Impact on Financial Publishing, a conversation with Marco Ferri, Head of Business Development at Market Wise (Formerly Beacon Street Group)

Marco is Head of Business Development at Beacon Street Group now re-branded Market Wise, who wowed the industry with the announcement of it’s $3 billion SPAC. Founded by Porter Stansberry, it has long been one of the powerhouse’s in the industry. (I believe Q1 revenues are in the neighborhood of $119 million.) In this conversation […]

The New Era of Financial Publishing with Dr. Martin Weiss

There are a lot of things I love about Dr. Martin Weiss. If I had to rank them though I’d place his strong belief that his role as a financial publisher is to make the independent investor’s life better. Martin is one of the greatest advocates for both individual retail investor & the financial publishing […]

FMS 2021 The Big Opportunity in Financial Publishing & Media

FMS 2021 is back live and in-person June 8-9th. Change is here for the industry and this is the only place where you can discover where your business fits in this new era of finpub. Book your discounted hotel room now before the rates go up.  

Beacon Street Group announces $3 billion SPAC merger to go public

Big news in the financial publishing industry this past week. Beacon Street Group, the parent company of industry giants Stansberry Research and Legacy Research (among others) announced it is going public with a $3 billion SPAC merger with Ascendant Digital Acquisition Corp. Why is a “newsletter” publisher able to do a $3 billion SPAC? For […]