A conversation with Jason Raznick, founder of Benzinga.com

Jason Raznick launched https://www.benzinga.com/ with $3,000, an idea about how to deliver a valuable information product to investors, and a lot of anxiety. Fast forward through all the years of stress, hard work, second-guessing, big wins and losses. He recently sold a majority stake in Benzinga to Beringer Capital at $300 million valuation. One of […]

How the market impacts media & conversions in financial publishing

What is the connection between what capital markets are doing and what promotions & products convert at any given time? How does the market environment impact what ideas will convert in a promo? Can macro analysis combined with search interest data help publishers, marketers, and copywriters figure out what ideas will convert NEXT? What does […]

The Digital Cap Raise Conference is Coming: October 2022 in NYC

I’m excited to announce that I’ve partnered with my good friend Vince Molinari at Fintech.tv to collaborate on a new conference, the Digital Cap Raise Conference. I visited Vince at the Fintech.tv studios inside the New York Stock Exchange to record this conversation about why we believe this is such a big opportunity for all […]

Insights into the Motley Fool’s unique approach to financial publishing

The Motely Fool is easily the most recognizable brand in financial publishing. When people explain the industry to someone for the first time they conversation almost always includes the phrase, “you know, like the Motley Fool.” The idea of building a strong mainstream brand is something many direct response marketers tend to look down on […]

Addison Wiggin, founder of Agora Financial & why your ideas matter.

Addison founded the Agora Financial group and was Executive Publisher for 17-years. One of the things I love about Addison is he has the increasingly rare quality of actually believing in the ideas he writes about and publishes. I see Addison as one of the few intellectuals in financial publishing. One thing many marketers & […]

Capturing Customer Value in Fintech vs. Financial Subscription Publishing

Imagine being one of the big drivers of new customers for a fintech startup you love. You’re there pretty much at the beginning. You wear the hat. Proselytize to the customer. Send tons of customers you paid to acquire over to them. Then, when that startup sells for a $1 billion – you got exactly […]